2nd CEREC Ultimate Experience

  • 2017/12/16(土) 09:00(+0800) ~ 2017/12/17(日) 18:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google カレンダー )
  • 台北國際會議中心101 C&D會議室 Taipei International Convention Center Room 101 C&D / 1 Hsin-Yi Road,Section 5,Taipei 11049,Taiwan ROC
  • CEREC Asia 艾瑞瓷數位牙科繼續教育訓練中心主催組織にお問い合わせ





December 16, Saturday

               贋復體後製是完成Chairside CAD/CAM治療非常重要的一個步驟,如何僅以加工表面紋路與內、外染色,創造出與自然牙一致的特徵與色澤,將是進入數位領域的您必學的課程。第一天上午,CEREC Ultimate Experience特別邀請Renfert TTT國際講師,林昱佑技師,來與我們分享全瓷贋復後製細節。





-Monolithic Solutions

        如何使用標準後製程序創造表面紋路,讓贋復體栩栩如生,不在死板?如何有效率的染色,就能達到與自然牙相同的色澤分佈,快速滿足患者需求?在後半段的課程,將告訴您如何,創造Line Angles、Developmental grooves等表面特徵,並配合進階內、外全瓷冠染色技術,重現自然牙美學。您將親眼見證並相信,高品質的贋復體,不一定要花時間才能換取!

*現場示範Monolithic ZirconaiMonilithic e.max外染,一覽臨床操作細節!







        要如何在口內蓋好名為義齒的房子?臨床上許多患者由於義齒空間等因素,並不適合直接執行贋復治療,但若僅是局部簡易的需求,就將全口矯正放入治療計畫,患者是否能接受額外的費用與時間? 課程前半段,帶來微矯正的臨床評估,運用簡單的診斷方式,定義齒列移動目標,並配合3D列印技術與Chairside矯正排牙軟體,實現Chairside完成微矯正計畫、列印製做矯正牙套,並在當天即刻提供隱形矯正的流程,創造最佳治療體驗!




        數位微矯正治療該如何在診所內落實? 高效率的治療流程,會需要什麼樣的流程規範與團隊溝通,才能夠落實? 課程的後半段,將曝光微矯正治療如何落實於數位牙科診所內。患者微矯正溝通、CBCT整合,排牙設計、牙套組數規劃、3D列印與隱形牙套後製,快速掌握Chairside微矯正臨床細節!



December 17, Sunday 

       想知道該如何運用數位技術,穩定地執行診所各種日常治療?那您一定要出席第二天早上,由Dentsply Sirona CEREC TTT講師,賴昀辰醫師,精心準備的數位治療演奏會。整合CBCT、牙科顯微鏡、Chairside CAD/CAM與最新材料,實現診所端贋復導向植牙與當天完成前牙美學治療!



        贋復導向植牙理念抬頭,但該如何在診所內落實?  這次,將整合各種數位技術,起動你的數位牙科,由口掃、數位排牙、3D植牙計畫評估、手術導引板設計到臨床使用,讓你輕鬆實現贋復導向植牙在每一次的手術!



         我的Preparation符不符合CAD/CAM研磨機要求? 我該如何快速增進我的Preparation品質? 牙科顯微是你的最佳解答! 肉眼與顯微視野的整合,不僅能提升Preparation品質,也連帶提高數位全瓷治療效率,更能讓患者保留最多齒質,快速重建咬合功能與美觀!



        在一日美學的世界,該如何兼顧時間與品質? 在無法堆瓷的情況下,贋復材料的選擇將如何左右美學? 課程最後,將解開不同全瓷材料系統的秘密,並介紹最新材料Celtra Duo如何應用於一日美學貼片治療,輕鬆重現美齒風采!



       「2018數位牙科診所將會以什麼樣貌呈現?」「Chairside數位治療正在朝什麼方向發展?」CEREC Ultimate Experience第二天下午,將由台灣數位牙科學會理事長,曹皓崴醫師,整合自身數位牙科診所經營與臨床數位治療經驗,揭開2018數位牙科全貌!


-2018 CEREC新未來



-CEREC 極致操作0.15 mm超薄貼片

          CAD/CAM超薄貼片的極限在哪裡? 曹醫師將告訴你如何發揮CEREC最大潛能,整合最新陶瓷與複合樹脂雙重網結構材料ENAMIC multiColor,顛覆你對超薄貼片的想像!


-Worn Dentition全口重建:SICAT Function與T-scan咬合及功能整合

       全口義齒重建時,有一個無法忽略,卻又令人唯恐避之不及的領域「顳顎關節」。在這樣的禁地,數位技術是否依然有用武之地? 您將看到數位技術如何反轉刻板印象,以更直觀、更有效率的方式診斷顳顎關節,並應用於全口重建治療!


-All on 4 3D導航植牙:CEREC + inLab整合治療

        All on 4 術式,無疑是全口無牙治療一大利器。這堂課,將告訴您如何整合CEREC與inLab,應用於All on 4 3D導航植牙治療,實踐數位植牙全口重建!


-STML氧化鋯應用美學挑戰! Ortho與新材料的數位整合!











December 16, Saturday


Post-processing is still one of the decisive steps for Chairside CAD/CAM restorations. To create natural and harmony appearance of CAD/CAM restorations, skills of contouring, internal and external staining are essential parts that bring you successful esthetic outcomes. Participants of digital dentistry striving ultimate esthetics shall not miss this topic. In the first morning of CEREC Ultimate Experience, our special guest, CDT Yu-Yo, Lin, Renfert TTT international lecturer, will share his experience on post-processing of all-ceramic restorations.


-Dental photography and shade matching

A natural-looking restoration comes not only from precise post-processing from dental technicians but from correct imaging information acquiring from clinicians. What are correct clinical photography and precise shade matching? Are there any standard procedures? How to perform them in clinical situation? What’s the setup for camera and lighting? How could one clinician communicate esthetic issues with patients? In this section, you will be informed how to provide stable and high-quality information by standard steps before post-processing of restorations.


 -Monolithic Solutions

 How to create natural profile and texture of restorations by standard post-processing steps? How to perform external staining effectively, satisfying patients’ needs in a short time? Later half of this section will cover the skills for contouring surface characteristics, internal and external staining techniques. You will see with your own eyes that how effectively the standard post-processing could create high-quality and natural esthetic results.

* Live demonstration: External staining technique of monolithic zirconia and monolithic e.max. You could observe all the details during real post-processing



3D printing is all the rage in the industry, but in a digital dental clinic, this technology is still struggling to find its role and value. During the first afternoon our orthodontic specialists, Dr. Wen-Pei Wong and Dr. Man-Ru Guo, will unravel the mysteries of additive manufacturing. Don’t miss this special discussion a systematic approach to chairside micro-orthodontics and single-day delivery of clear aligners!


-Principles of Micro-Orthodontics

 Utilizing Digital Technology for Chairside Micro-Ortho

A common clinical problem preceding prosthodontic planning is the lack of dental space for optimal restoration. In cases where minor teeth movements are indicated and the cost of full-procedure orthodontics is prohibitive, what are the clinician’s options? In the first half of this afternoon seminar, the discussion will be focused on using 3D printing and chairside orthodontic software in conjunction with simple diagnostic methodologies. In true chairside spirit, learn about how orthodontic aligners can be designed, printed, and delivered in the same day.


-Application of Digital Micro-Orthodontics

 Case Reports

Do I need sophisticated hardware and dedicated teams to begin digital micro-orthodontics? The second half of the afternoon will demonstrate the efficacy of new workflows, and how they can be tightly integrated into a digital dental clinic. The topics are wide-ranging, including patient communication, CBCT utility, software design, aligner planning, 3D printing and post processing of clear aligners. 



December 17, Sunday

Want to know the best way to secure routine clinical procedures and collaborate digitally with a dental technician? On the second day, join us at the morning lectures from Dr. Yun-Chen Lai, certified Dentsply Sirona CEREC TTT instructor. Get in on the latest know-how on full integration of CBCT, dental microscope, and the newest chairside CAD/CAM materials. Digitally-guided implantology and single-visit anterior aesthetics are within your reach!


-3D Digital Guided Implants 

The trend of guided implantology is on the rise, but how does it fit in with your clinic? Discover the tried and true procedures from intraoral scanning, digital alignment, 3D implant planning, guide design, to the final clinical application. Knowing is half the battle!


-Application of Microscope Techniques in Digital Dentistry

 CAD/CAM dentistry necessitates better-quality abutment preparations from dentists. One of the best way to take your techniques to the next level is through the use of a dental microscope! And it’s not just for show; better preps results in better aesthetics, function and material integrity, and ultimately benefitting your patient in the long term!


-Single-Visit Aesthetics

Ever wonder how you can optimize both time and aesthetics in the world of one-visit dentistry? Without cutback and layering, material choice is paramount. Discover the secrets to each of the expansive CAD/CAM ceramic systems, including the latest tips on how to achieve beautiful veneers with the CELTRA Duo.



“What will 2018 look like for digital dental clinics?” “In what direction is digital dentistry headed?” In the afternoon of the second day, Dr. Michael Tsao, Chair of Digital Dentistry Association of Taiwan, will share his experiences in the management of digital clinics and treatment protocols. As the frontrunner to chairside dentistry in Taiwan, he will also focus on the future potentials and pitfalls of this field fueled by technology.



Dental procedures have been digitally enhanced by the power of technology, and shifted the way we think about how dental clinics are managed. The future of digital dentistry is within the control of those who are privy to its market trends!​


-CEREC 150 um Veneers

What is the limit to the thickness of CAD/CAM veneers? Dr. Tsao will demonstrate how his team has pushed beyond the current conventional wisdom with the new Multi-Color Enamic.​


-Full Mouth Rehabilitation of Worn Dentition: SICAT Function and T-Scan Integration

Full mouth restoration is complicated by the inevitable occlusion and temporomandibular joint considerations, two areas not often associated with digital dentistry. In the afternoon, witness how Dr. Tsao’s team has completely turned this perception on its head, utilizing a diagnostic procedure for full-mouth rehabilitation that is more functional, more efficient, and of course, fully digital!



-3D Guided Implants with All-On-Four: CEREC + InLab Combined Usage

The All-On-Four concept has many advantages for edentulous rehabilitation, but did you know that it can also be performed in a fully-digital workflow? By using CEREC in conjunction with InLab, Dr. Tsao will show you how this is possible!


-Aesthetics with STML Zirconia! Digital Integration of Orthodontics and New Materials!

Zirconium dioxide, a clinically proven ceramic known for its strength, is a popular and useful option in a dentist’s arsenal. Its monolithic appearance, however, leaves much to be desired. Will everything change now that a new generation of super-translucent multilayered zirconia has arrived? During the event, we will unveil this new challenger to anterior aesthetics combined with orthodontic treatments. This definitely not your everyday full-contour zirconia restoration!







台北國際會議中心101 C&D會議室 Taipei International Convention Center Room 101 C&D

1 Hsin-Yi Road,Section 5,Taipei 11049,Taiwan ROC


チケット種別 販売期間 価格
早鳥優惠 Early Bird

~ 2017/11/07 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$5,500
團報價格 Group Price

~ 2017/12/17 18:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$5,000
一般價格 Regular Price

~ 2017/12/17 18:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$6,000

~ 2017/12/17 18:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$5,000